Friday, 28 March 2014

Week 9

As the weather is cooling down we have decided that there will be no more swimming this term.  We will now be doing a sport rotation on a Thursday afternoon.  The focus for this will be bat and ball skills.
We are doing lots of great learning at the moment.  The kids are working hard every day.  Mrs M.R and I are so pleased in particular with their efforts in Procedural Writing.  Also the improvements in Reading with lots of children moving up reading levels.
Don't forget to bring Poem Folders and Home Learning books every Monday.
We are encouraging the children to choose their library books very carefully.  They are allowed to take one book home for reading at night.  The other book is to be kept in their tote trays to have a substantial book to read during SSR.
There will be a Middle School Assembly at 10.45 on Friday.
Oh yes, one final reminder.....don't forget to visit as a tool to help with spelling words!
See you next week!
Mrs M.R and Mrs Greenhalgh

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Procedural Writing

In class we are learning how to write instructions.  This is called Procedural Writing. 
Today we were writing instructions on how to cross a road safely. We went out to the crossing as a class to physically practice and walk through the steps. Below is a sequence of photos showing the steps.
After we practiced the steps we went back to class and wrote down the whole process of How To Cross The Road Safely.

Spotty Day

Today we wore spots to raise money for melanoma awareness! I love Austin's spotty hair and Connors Irish dots. You parents are very brave painting clothes!!!

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Our Investigation of the WHS Blogs

We spent a day dropping in on all the class blogs to see what's happening in our school blogosphere.

Here are our class charts and graphs.  Our data analysis and conclusions didn't make it to the publishing stage. That's all in our writing books.

But have a look at what we have so far.

Thanks to Joyce Kim (student teacher) whose familiarity with iPads made this a very productive day. The children were able to make sense of the graphs they produced. They were also created screen-shots and cropped these to fit their pages (to be published later).

St Paddys Day

Here we are doing our communicating and creating part of the inquiry process. We read The Potato People by Pamela Allen. Then we created our own potato people! 

Connor at Eden Park

Connor played for Waitemata in the curtain raiser for the Blues on Saturday Night. He won both games!  Go Connor