Tuesday, 8 July 2014


       This is the season of the celebration
of Matariki.

Matariki is the Maori name for the cluster of 7 tiny stars. 
It signifies the Maori New Year. 
Matariki happens every year in Winter-time.


We enjoy our Maori teacher, Whaea Trish, coming to our room every Wednesday. 
She taught us about what Matariki means. Alice had made Trish a gift of a flax flower for Matariki.

Whaea Trish taught us a Maori song.

Alice had also made a model of the 7 stars representing the 7 sisters. She used lollipop sticks decorated with glitter and pipe cleaners. Very creative Alice!                                              

She had also made flax flowers for Miss Kim, Mrs. G and me. Thank you Alice.

Breeze read us the story of Matariki.

We all enjoyed learning about and celebrating Matariki with Whaea Trish, didn't we! :)