Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Our Investigation of the WHS Blogs

We spent a day dropping in on all the class blogs to see what's happening in our school blogosphere.

Here are our class charts and graphs.  Our data analysis and conclusions didn't make it to the publishing stage. That's all in our writing books.

But have a look at what we have so far.

Thanks to Joyce Kim (student teacher) whose familiarity with iPads made this a very productive day. The children were able to make sense of the graphs they produced. They were also created screen-shots and cropped these to fit their pages (to be published later).


  1. Room 16, you were amazing today! Great work looking at different classes' blogs and their posts, and well done analysing the data and making graphs! I'm so proud of all of you. Didn't we have fun having Mr. McLay in class today :) See you all next Tuesday! - Miss Kim

  2. What an interesting investigation Room 16. Fantastic work putting your data into graphs. You guys rock!
